

Project Title Social Computing Enhancing Learning in Remote Australia
Project Team Dr Chris Reading
Period 2007 – 2008
Funding Agency
Organisational Base SiMERR National Centre


This project is a collaboration between the SiMERR-ICT state/territory hubs and the SiMERR National Centre and aims to raise the awareness of the possibilities for, and impact of social computing on, student learning. This is to be achieved through providing a supported professional learning opportunity for teachers to implement action learning in their own school and participate in a community of practice. A web­based collection of case studies of the use of social computing to support student learning will be produced and the use of social computing for student learning and teacher professional learning will be evaluated.

Research Focus

RQl      What pedagogical approaches can be used with social computing to support student learning?
RQ1.1 What benefits do teachers and students say social computing brings to student learning?
RQ1.2 What supports the use of social computing for student learning?
RQ1.3 What are the challenges with the use of social computing for student learning?

RQ2      How can social computing be used to support teachers’ professional learning?
Q2.1 What benefits do teachers say social computing brings to professional learning?
RQ2.2 What supports the use of social computing with professional learning?
RQ2.3 What are the challenges with the use of social computing with professional learning?

Learning Focus

  • shared knowledge
  • creating shared understandings
  • collaborative document creation
  • real-time communication

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