Thank you for visiting our web site. I hope you take some time to look through the different aspects of the work of the SiMERR National Research Centre (SiMERR). SiMERR is blessed with a number of experienced and highly qualified academics from within the University of New England, and we draw on additional expertise when required from across the Nation. We have been, and continue to be, involved in a remarkably diverse portfolio of research and professional learning projects. I invite you to share with us any thoughts or perceptions that your visit to our site has triggered.
The SiMERR National Research Centre has been active in undertaking high quality research and professional learning activities with impact in Education since it was first established as the Centre for Cognition Research in Learning and Teaching (CRiLT) in 1996.
Read More..Equity of participation and achievement for all learners in Australian society (students in schools and adults) are at the heart of the research activities of SiMERR. This is achieved by acting as a catalyst to bring together and working collaboratively as researchers with different stakeholder groups from Governments, statutory authorities, key policy makers, schools, industry and business, parents and philanthropic benefactors in order to advance and enhance the delivery of education to all Australians.
SiMERR’s research work and expertise comes at a critical point in time for Australia. Numeracy and literacy skills are at the heart of a person’s ability to make a worthwhile contribution through meaningful employment. In addition, science, technology and mathematics influence more and more aspects of people’s everyday lives and underpin more overtly a nation’s prosperity. Data illustrate that school children, particularly those in the bottom 30% of the achievement spectrum, as well as many adults, who have drawn few benefits from schooling, are being marginalised.
Nothing can be more destructive for communities than for their children, young adults and more mature adults to under-perform in formal education or work through reduced opportunities. As a nation we need to identify these limiting conditions in Australia, and address them so that all Australian learners have the opportunity to achieve their potential.
This is the mission of SiMERR. To undertake strategic research in key areas of need, ensure valid and reliable data and then take the next step of using this evidence to inform future practice. Further, in the places where the benefits are large and ongoing we commit then ensure that the ideas can be scaled manageably and in efficient and cost-effective ways.
If you can think of ways how you might be able to support us in our important work, please make contact.

QuickSmart (Numeracy and Literacy)
QuickSmart is a research program aimed at narrowing the achievement gap between low-achieving students and their average-achieving peers by improving students’ basic academic skills in literacy and numeracy.

UNE SIMERR-PHILIPPINES/ PNU RCTQ Public Sector Linkage Program
Applied research collaboration between staff from SiMERR and PNU, which has been legislated by the Government of the Philippines as the National Center for Teacher Education in the Philippines.

Choosing Science
The Choosing Science study represents a large-scale national attempt to understand the influences on Year 10 students’ decisions about taking science subjects in Year 11.

Asia Connexions
Australian and Asian schools are connecting digitally in order to develop cultural exchange while fostering understanding between Australian and Asian students and teachers.

The series of ISFIRE symposia focus on the obligation of the global education community to influence policy aimed at delivering equitable and socially just outcomes for rural students.