The series of ISFIRE symposia focus on the obligation of the global education community to influence policy aimed at delivering equitable and socially just outcomes for rural students. Importantly, ISFIRE offers an international forum for sharing research findings, innovative ideas and evaluated approaches linked to positive, practical action.

In our current global context, these symposia offer an opportunity for the rural education community to come together to celebrate the importance of rural education, discuss our common challenges, explore how research informs our rural practice, and share solutions to raise the profile of the teaching profession, support student learning, and honour school leaders.

Each symposium is organised as a collaboration between The SiMERR National Research Centre, University of New England, and the hosting university

ISFIRE2021 Educating for Cultural Sustainability: Innovation for the Future, a collaboration with the University of Highlands and Islands, was held virtually at the Perth College Campus of the University of Highlands and Islands (Perth, Scotland) in August 2021.

ISFIRE2018 Communities and Partnerships: Strengthening Rural Education, a collaboration with the Center for Research in Rural Education, Montana State University, was held at Montana State University (Bozeman, United States of America) in August 2018.

ISFIRE2016 combined with the 32nd National SPERA Conference Rural Education: Place, Pedagogies, Partnerships and Possibilities, a collaboration with Central Queensland University (Ooralea, Mackay, Australia), supported by the University of Tasmania (Australia), was held at Central Queensland University (Mackay, Australia) in September 2016.

ISFIRE2013 Rural Education on the Global Stage: Connecting for Innovation, a collaboration with the Society for the Provision of Education in Rural Australia (SPERA), was held at the University of Western Australia (Perth, Australia) in February 2013.

ISFIRE2011 New Directions for Educational Welfare in Rural Schools, a collaboration with Kongju National University Kongju, was held in conjunction with the 2011 Korea-Japan Society of Educational Administration Symposium at the Kongju National University (Kongju, Korea) in February 2011.

ISFIRE2009 Innovation for Equity in Rural Education, a collaboration with Kongju National University (South Korea), was held at the University of New England (Armidale, Australia) in February 2009.