Associate Professor Patricia Hardré
Dr. Patricia L. Hardré holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Iowa, specializing in Instructional Design and Technology, with minors in Motivation, and Measurement and Evaluation. She is an Associate Professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology at the University of Oklahoma, in Norman. She serves as a trainer and consultant to educational organizations on topics such as professional development of teachers in American Indian tribal schools, teacher utilization of educational technologies, faculty development through action research, building educational technology infrastructure and supports, and the professional development of teaching assistants. Dr. Hardré has conducted research involving students, teachers and administrators in rural education for over a decade. Her research includes student learning, development, and retention; teacher professional development and strategic practice, school climate and teacher retention; and administrators creating a culture of place in rural schools. Her research has been published in numerous educational journals including: The Journal of Educational Psychology, Educational Research and Evaluation, Learning and Individual Differences, Teacher Education and Practice, Leadership and Policy in Schools, The Journal of Experimental Education, The Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, The Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, Motivation and Emotion, and British Journal of Educational Technology. She serves as Chair of the National Research Committee of the National Rural Education Association (NREA) in the United States, and as Program Co-Chair of the American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) Rural Special Interest Group. She was selected as a Panel Member for the National Leaders in Rural Education symposium, sponsored by the National Center on Rural Education Support, USA. Her research on the motivational strategy development of rural teachers earned the Best Research Paper Award for NREA in 2006. Her other awards include the T. Anne Cleary Distinguished Psychological Research Award, and the Hancher-Finkbine Distinguished Leadership in Graduate Education Award. |