Professor Li Wang
Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond the control of the organisers, Professor Wang has had to withdraw from ISFIRE 2009 as a keynote speaker. ISFIRE regrets this late withdrawal and apologises for any inconvenience this may cause.
Professor Dr. Li Wang was born in China in 1957. Originally qualifying as an engineer in the area of water resources, he was employed by the Agricultural University of Hebei as a teaching assistant; then lecturer, Associate Professor and full Professor in 1996. In 1994 he was responsible for setting up the UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education (INRULED). In 1996, after consultation with UNESCO headquarters, he was appointed by the Chinese Government as Deputy Director of INRULED in charge of Research, Training, Information and Exchange programs. In June 2001 to 2005, he won IPRS and UPRS scholarships to study in the Faculty of Education, Health and Science at Charles Darwin University, Australia, where he completed a PhD degree in comparative education. Prof. Li Wang's areas of interest include Rural Education and Rural Development, Water Resources, Rural and Town Planning and Geothermal Utilization, He has contributed to more than 30 books and papers, undertaken about 20 international research projects and organized/participated in about 50 international conferences, symposia, forums, and workshops. He has represented the Chinese government and INRULED in attending the UNESCO General Conference in Paris held twice a year in UNESCO headquarters. He has been heavily involved in setting up collaborative agreements between INRULED with a range of organizations, including the UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa, Adis Abeba, Ethiopia; the UNESCO International Institute for Vocational Education, Bonn, Germany; the American National Institute for Literacy (University of Pennsylvania); Charles Darwin University, Australia; SEMEO Innotech in the Philippines; Nanjing Normal University in China; Beijing Normal University and the China Central Institute for Educational Research. Professor Li Wang has represented INRULED and Chinese Government in projects in Cambodia and Pakistan and in many international conferences, forums and meetings. |