Guidelines for Formatting of Full Papers
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Author name (no title) |
Author name (no title) |
The abstract is to be fully justified. Use the word “Abstract” as the title of this section (as shown). The abstract title should be 9 point Arial and bold. The abstract is to be in 9-point, single spaced type, and may be up to 200 words long.
Keywords: Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3,
Please use this document as a formatting template for your ISFIRE 2009 full paper. It contains information about the style, fonts and spacing for your submission. Papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .rtf). Please do not submit in pdf or .docx format. If you have created you paper using the latest version of Microsoft Office (2007 or 2008), please “save as” an earlier version. Once you begin to use this template for your paper, use “save as” to save your document as yourname_ISFIRE.doc, so that you retain an unaltered copy of this template.2. FORMATTING YOUR PAPER
Full papers should not exceed 7 pages in length. This includes all references, acknowledgements, etc. The proceedings for ISFIRE 2009 will be made available as a book. Arial 9 point is used as the primary font. All text should be single spaced. Please remember that ISFIRE has an international audience, and write accordingly, avoiding use of slang, jargon, and any other terms that would not be readily understandable. All printed material, including text, illustrations, and charts, must be kept within the margins of this template (14 cm wide by 22 cm high). Do not write or print anything outside the print area.3. TITLE OF YOUR PAPER
The paper title should be in Arial, 10 point, bold, capital font and is to be centre justified. The title should be followed by a 9 point space.4. AUTHOR NAME(S) AND AFFILIATION(S)
Author names and affiliations are to be centred beneath the title and printed in Arial 9-point and bold. Multiple authors can be shown in table format, with their affiliations below their respective names. Use the Table toolbar to add or delete cells depending on the number of authors. Affiliations are centred below each author name and should be the same type as the author name. Include authors’ e-mail addresses whenever possible.5. ABSTRACT AND KEYWORDS
Please include an abstract and keywords following the author information, as shown above. Keywords should be in Arial, 9 point, and italicised. The term “Keywords:” should be in bold type.6. HEADINGS
Headings should be numbered sequentially (as in this document), and after the number use a period. All headings should be followed by text on the same page (i.e. no heading is allowed to appear at the bottom of a page without text following). First order headings should be 9 point Arial, bold, and fully capitalised.6.1. Second-order Headings
Second order headings should be 9 point Arial and bold.Third order headings
Third order headings should be un-numbered, plain text and italicised.
All tables and figures must be referred to within the body of the text. References to the table or figure should point towards the table or figure number as identified within the caption. Authors may include the complete caption heading if they wish. A table or figure should be inserted at a convenient point soon after the first reference within the body of the text. Tables and figures should be centre justified and not imbedded within the body of the text.7.1. Tables
Table captions should be in 9 point Arial, bold, and centred above the table. Tables should be numbered sequentially (e.g. Table 1. etc.). Text within a table should be 9 point Arial. Formatting of the table is subject to the Author’s discretion.7.2. Figures
Figure captions should be in 9 point Arial, bold, and centred below the figure. Figures should be numbered sequentially (and independently from tables). All figures should be in the best possible resolution available. The Proceedings will not be in colour, so please ensure figures are clear in black and white.8. PAGE NUMBERING
Page numbers have been formatted on this template. Please do not change this formatting.9. FOOTNOTES
To help your readers, avoid using footnotes and include necessary peripheral observations in the text (within parentheses, if you prefer, as in this sentence).10. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Acknowledgements of people, grants, funds, etc should be placed in a separate section just before the references.11. REFERENCES
References should be provided using APA style. Font should be 9 point Arial, with a hanging indentof 0.5 cm for subsequent lines. Do not leave a space between references.
When a reference is cited in the body of the paper, make sure to include the author(s) and date.
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