Overview: QuickSmart Online Numeracy (QSO) is a self-paced learning program designed to be delivered to anyone who requires assistance to improve their basic numeracy skills and are caught in a cycle that precludes advancement. It is delivered as a standalone program that can be used independently or in facilitated groups.
QuickSmart Online Program Description
The QuickSmart Online Numeracy program is designed to
- improve students’ information retrieval times;
- free working memory capacity from excessive focus on routine tasks; and
- foster automaticity in basic tasks.
QSO is aimed at students in the lower 30-50% bracket, whereas traditional face-to-face QuickSmart is aimed at students in the lower 10-30% bracket. QSO is not designed or intended as a replacement for the f-2-f program, nor should it be treated as one.
QuickSmart Online Numeracy is accessed through the QuickSmart Portal and features online versions of the following f-2-f lesson components:
- Focus Facts
- Flash Cards
- Speed Sheets
- Fast and Accurate Basic Skills (FABS): this is the assessment component, which is QSO’s version of QBSA (OZCAAS)
- Games
- In development: Problem Solving
The QSO application underwent a comprehensive trial in 2021 and 2022 with a select group of schools in South Australia.
QuickSmart Online Numeracy aims to improve students’ basic academic skills in numeracy through targeted explicit instruction and deliberate practice in a fun, interactive environment.
The QuickSmart intervention is designed to increase a student’s accuracy and automatic recall of basic academic skills. QuickSmart lessons emphasise the development of conceptual understanding by teaching explicit approaches and ideas that emphasise key concepts underpinning the academic skills being taught.
QuickSmart programs are based on research related to the importance of specific component skills in literacy and numeracy. Students who develop fluency and confidence in these basic skills have access to more cognitive resources to direct to the higher-order processes involved in reading meaningfully and being able to solve problems in mathematics.
More details coming soon!
If you would like to be notified when QSO is available for purchase, please fill out the expression of interest form below: