QuickSmart logo circle version. A purple q and a green s.

QuickSmart is an evidence-based basic skills intervention program designed for middle-school students who experience persistent difficulties in literacy and/or numeracy. The award-winning programs provide a framework with short and targeted lesson components for educators to work through with their students.

The aim of QuickSmart is to enable students to become automatic (quick) in their basic skills in order to move onto more complex problem-solving skills (smart). The SiMERR National Research Centre has received and analysed QuickSmart lesson data for over 72,000 students since 2001, however it is estimated that the number of students who have benefited from the programs exceeds 100,000.

The programs have been implemented in over 1,650 Australian schools and come with ready-to-use physical and digital resources, as well as professional development training and ongoing support. They are suitable for learners in years 4 to 9, whose skill levels are below the national minimum standard.

QuickSmart is an ongoing, not-for-profit research project. It is based at the SiMERR National Research Centre, located at the University of New England in Armidale, Australia.

Interested in starting QuickSmart Numeracy and/or Literacy at your school in 2025? Check out our updated purchasing guide and our 2025 Workshop Calendar! Please contact us if you have any questions.

quicksmart numeracy

The QuickSmart Numeracy intervention program focuses on understanding and recall of basic number facts, performance of elementary calculations, acquisition of appropriate mathematics language, and problem-solving skills. Please click here for more information.

Appropriate for: Year 4 to 9 students in the bottom 10 – 30% of the national achievement spectrum for Numeracy (students at or below the national minimum standard).

quicksmart literacy

The QuickSmart Literacy intervention program focuses on the automaticity of word recognition, fluency in reading connected texts, and development of vocabulary. Please click here for more information.

Appropriate for: Year 4 to 9 students in the bottom 10 – 30% of the national achievement spectrum for Literacy (students at or below the national minimum standard).

quicksmart numeracy diagnostic

The QuickSmart Numeracy Diagnostic Assessment is an online assessment application accessed through the QuickSmart Portal. It is a cost-effective and efficient tool for assessing the basic numeracy skills of large numbers of students. Please click here for more information.

Appropriate for: All students in Years 4 to 9 to test their basic Numeracy skills.

quicksmart numeracy at home

The QuickSmart Numeracy@Home intervention program was developed in response to parents and caregivers inquiring about a program they could use if QuickSmart Numeracy was not available at their school. Please click here for more information.

Appropriate for: Year 4 to 9 students in the bottom 10 – 30% of the national achievement spectrum for Numeracy who do not have access to QuickSmart at their school (students at or below the national minimum standard).

QuickSmart earns recognition of national impact by the Australian Research Council

QuickSmart awarded the HTB Harris Memorial Award for a Significant Educational Program by the the Australian College of Educators

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