Program Evidence

Annual QuickSmart Program National Reports

Numeracy Program

SiMERR National Research Centre (2024). QuickSmart Annual Numeracy Program Report 2022. UNE, Armidale

  • Download file: ETA Dec 2024

SiMERR National Research Centre (2023). QuickSmart Annual Numeracy Program Report 2021. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2022). QuickSmart Annual Numeracy Program Report 2020. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2022). QuickSmart Annual Numeracy Program Report 2019. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2019). QuickSmart Annual Numeracy Program Report 2018. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2018). QuickSmart Annual Numeracy Program Report 2017. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2017). QuickSmart Annual Numeracy Program Report 2016. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2016). QuickSmart Annual Numeracy Program Report 2015. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2015). QuickSmart Annual Numeracy Program Report 2014. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2014). QuickSmart Annual Numeracy Program Report 2013. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2013). QuickSmart Annual Numeracy Program Report 2012. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2012). QuickSmart Annual Numeracy Program Report 2011. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2012). QuickSmart Annual Numeracy Program Report 2010. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2012). QuickSmart Annual Numeracy Program Report 2009. UNE, Armidale

Literacy Program

SiMERR National Research Centre (2024). QuickSmart Annual Literacy Program Report 2022, UNE, Armidale

  • Download file: ETA Dec 2024

SiMERR National Research Centre (2023). QuickSmart Annual Literacy Program Report 2021, UNE, Armidale

  • Download file: ETA Dec 2024

SiMERR National Research Centre (2022). QuickSmart Annual Literacy Program Report 2020. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2022). QuickSmart Annual Literacy Program Report 2019. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2019). QuickSmart Annual Literacy Program Report 2018. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2018). QuickSmart Annual Literacy Program Report 2017. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2017). QuickSmart Annual Literacy Program Report 2016. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2016). QuickSmart Annual Literacy Program Report 2015. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2015). QuickSmart Annual Literacy Program Report 2014. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2014). QuickSmart Annual Literacy Program Report 2013. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2013). QuickSmart Annual Literacy Program Report 2012. UNE, Armidale

SiMERR National Research Centre (2012). QuickSmart Annual Literacy Program Report 2011. UNE, Armidale

Other QuickSmart Reports

Bradbury, J. (2011). Effect of QuickSmart on Student Growth as Measured by NAPLaN – Summary Report. NT DET: Darwin

  • This analysis completed by the Assessment Branch of the Northern Territory Department of Education and Training revealed that, “The QuickSmart program appears to have had a significant impact on student growth as measured by NAPLAN for a number of the cohorts investigated”. Such impact on nation-wide NAPLAN assessments is strong evidence of the effectiveness of QuickSmart programs.
  • Download file: 2011_qs_naplan_summary.pdf

Bellert, A. (2010). Narrowing the Gap in Numeracy: QuickSmart, Catholic Education Office Lismore, NSW, Paper presented at Literacy & Numeracy Pilots Forum, Canberra

  • This report describes the successful Literacy and Numeracy Pilot project conducted by the NSW Catholic education sector in the Lismore Diocese. The report concludes that the “2010 NAPLAN data shows that the group of participants, i.e. students identified as experiencing learning difficulties, made numeracy scale score gains greater than the state average. This is a very positive result for these students.”
  • Download file: 2010_ab_lit_num_forum_lismceo.pdf

Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council. (2010). Transforming Learning and the Transmission of Knowledge, Preparing a learning society for the future. Canberra: Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research

  • The QuickSmart in Schools programs are highlighted as examples of effective practice on page 24 of the PMSEIC report on Transforming Learning and the Transmission of Knowledge presented to the Prime Minister in March 2010.
  • Download file: 2009_pmseic_report_extract_p24.pdf

Pegg, J., Graham, L. & Croeser, E. (2009). Report to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations: QuickSmart Intervention Research Program: Using Data 2001-2008, Armidale, NSW: SiMERR National Centre, UNE

  • DEEWR supported the completion of this comprehensive report, which presents detailed analyses of the data collected from QuickSmart programs implemented between 2001 and 2008.
  • Download file: 2009_deewr_report_final_quicksmart_2001_2008.pdf

Pegg, J., Graham, L. & Croeser, E. (2009). Appendices to Report to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations: QuickSmart Intervention Research Program: Using Data 2001-2008, Armidale, NSW: SiMERR National Centre, UNE

Graham, L. (2008). ASISTM Final Project Report:Narrowing the performance gap: Improving the basic mathematics skills of indigenous students, Armidale NSW: SiMERR National Centre, UNE

  • This report was written as part of the evaluation of the QuickSmart Numeracy program and its implementation in two Aboriginal Schools in regional NSW

Graham, L., Pegg, J., Bellert, A. & Thomas, J. (2004). The QuickSmart Program: Allowing Students to Undertake Higher-Order Mental Processing by Providing a Learning Environment to Improve Their Information Retrieval Times, Armidale, NSW: Centre for Cognitive Research in Learning and Teaching (CRiLT), UNE

  • This report presents a detailed evaluation of the first QuickSmart Literacy and Numeracy Programs implemented in New England area schools during 2001.
  • Download file: the_quicksmart_program.pdf

Independent Evaluations

Australian Research Council – Engagement and Impact 2018

Evidence for Learning Evaluation of QuickSmart Numeracy 2017/2018

  • Social Ventures Australia sponsored the QuickSmart Randomised Control Trial (RCT) study, and Sydney Catholic Schools is to be applauded on allowing its schools to participate in the study. The commitment and dedication of the schools and staff to QuickSmart, their students, and the study are deeply appreciated.
  • Students who participated in 75% or more QuickSmart lessons achieved an ACER standard PAT-M test growth of 33 percentiles on average, from the 16th to the 49th percentile, in the 14 months between pre- and post-test.
  • The study also confirmed evidence that QuickSmart has assembled over nearly 20 years in schools across Australia that following the acquisition of automaticity in basic mathematical skills, further time and consideration is needed by primary- and secondary-school students for these acquired skills and understandings to be applied seamlessly in mathematical problem solving activities, including higher-order and/or extended questions.
  • Link:
  • SiMERR’s Statement (Executive Summary): rct-simerr_statement-executive_summary.pdf
  • SiMERR’s Statement: (Complete): rct-simerr_statement.pdf
  • Sydney Catholic Schools Statement

Dione-Rodgers, D., Harriman, S. & Laing, B. (2012). Report of the program evaluation of QuickSmart Numeracy. Student Engagement and Program Evaluation Bureau. Sydney: NSW Department of Education and Communities

  • This document is an independent review of QuickSmart Numeracy by the Student Engagement and Program Evaluation Bureau of the NSW Department of Education and Communities. It was completed as one of eight evaluation of programs used by NSW schools under Literacy and Numeracy National Partnership funding
  • Download file: 2012_evaluation_of_qsnumeracy.pdf

Westwood, P. (2009). QuickSmart: Review of DEEWR report, Macau, People’s Republic of China

  • This independent review of the comprehensive Pegg, Graham and Croeser (2009) report was provided by the well-known educator, Peter Westwood
  • Download file: 2009_pw_deewr_report_review.pdf

Thomas, R. & Murphy, L. (2009). Parent School Partnerships Initiative Program: QuickSmart – New England Regional Schools 2008, An Evaluation of Achievements, Department of Education and Training (NE Region), Armidale.

  • In 2008, Professor Ross Thomas and Mr Laurie Murphy conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of the QuickSmart program for Aboriginal students attending school in the New England region of New South Wales.
  • Download file: 2008_thomas_murphy_psp_report.pdf

Copeland, M. (2007). Critical Friend’s comments on Mid-project report: ASISTM project, “Narrowing the performance gap: Improving Basic Mathematics Skills of Indigenous students”.

Efthymiades, D. (2007). NT Letter of support – QuickSmart numeracy intervention program, Department of Employment, Education and Training, Darwin, NT.

  • Ms Debbie Efthymiades, Acting Deputy Chief Executive Policy, Planning and Performance, Northern Territory Department of Education and Training, provided these comments regarding the scaling up of QuickSmart programs in Northern Territory schools.
  • Download file: 2007_de_letter_nt_deet.pdf

Thornton, P. (2007). Letter regarding involvement in development of QuickSmart, Lismore, NSW: Diocese of Lismore, Catholic Education Office

  • These comments were provided by Dr Paul Thornton, Assistant Director, Education Services, Catholic Education Office, Lismore.
  • Download file: 2007_de_letter_lism_ceo.pdf